Where Our Journey Began
Watch RJ's incredible and predicted recovery from permanent chest down paralysis.

The Scientific Proof
There have been countless peer-reviewed scientific studies that prove meditation changes our DNA and greatly helps heal mental, emotional, and physical trauma including illness.

"Meditation and yoga can 'reverse' DNA reactions which cause stress, new study suggests"

Real People.
Real Experiences.
See what people are saying about their experiences with our courses.
"Just want to say a big thank you to RJ for giving me insight and pointers into my true nature. Truly priceless! I will forever be grateful for your wisdom and love."
- Essie- Southbury, CT
"Thank you, R.J., your work is a gift to humanity and is helping the collective on a quantum level because you go directly to the root and make the concepts very simple!"
- Kirsten - Los Angeles,CA
"Hello RJ! I wanted to thank you for your profound articles you write. I am humbled and inspired by what you offering to us all. I am really hoping to work with sometime soon. I have never read anything ever which is so clear and inspiring"
- Craig- South Africa
“Meeting RJ has been a life-changing experience for me. I have learned to quiet my mind and open my heart. The result has left me in a more consistent state of feeling greater love and compassion for myself and for others, all while my sense of oneness keeps expanding.”
- Lauren -San Diego, CA
“RJ has a lot of positive messages that I feel we don’t hear enough of in this world. I have enjoyed all of the sessions I have had with him. I have walked away from all those sessions feeling more peaceful, centered, and closer to my true self. For that I am truly grateful.”
- Michelle- San Diego, CA
"RJ has had a profound impact on the way I view my life and business. I see RJ as my spiritual, life & business coach. I’ve been an entrepreneur, multiple business owner for many years with a type-A personality & hard on myself so I have had a hard time with balance and relaxation.... Read More
"I can’t say enough great things about my coaching sessions with RJ. Over the past few years, RJ has helped me and our company with some major decisions by helping us stay clean and clear and able to look at things objectively... Read More
"My first experience with RJ was like no other! I did not have a lot of knowledge on healings but figured I would give it a shot to see what it was all about. I knew I had personal issues that could use some help but did not really know what to expect....By the end of my first class I had a better understanding on how to bring about the peaceful coexistence within myself and realize the actions that were keeping me stuck in my current unhealthy state of mind. Not only did we come to a realization of my inner issues, I was able to leave with tips and tricks to work on the mind , to be able to handle future situations. It was an amazing experience with a very gifted individual. "
- Nathalia- Long Beach , CA
"I am truly grateful to have had this time with you! It has been fascinating, illuminating and so peaceful. I do not think I would have been able to have gotten through the major conflicts with my son and seen my culpability in it all without your wisdom and guidance. Usually, it would have put me in a depression where I wallowed in self-pity and felt how worthless I am as a parent and person and stayed in that pain (EMI state) for a long while....Read More
"I have known RJ for almost two years. I have done some meditation work with him, and some emotional healing. I was at a critically "BAD" point in my life and scheduled a remote Healing Session, with him. Never having experienced a physical healing session with him, never mind a REMOTE session, I had NO idea what to expect.... Read More
"Rj’s teachings and wisdom have allowed me to focus on my true identity and discover my own inner peace. Rj guided me through a difficult time in my life where I am in school in the process of becoming a healer. He led me to focus on the most important aspects of being a healer; my true self and my intention... Read More
"RJ met me exactly where I am in my life journey During my Face Time spiritual counseling session he showed me how to stay in my heart and be in the present. He reinforced in my heart what I already knew in my head, that my happiness and peace do not depend on what another person does, thinks or says. In my healing session, I experienced a gentle energy wave moving in my body along with peace
and laughter...Read More
"I have successfully treated over thirty thousand patients during my now twenty-seven year career in Eastern medicine. I have never seen this degree of transformation, let alone in such a short time. While I regularly witness dramatic improvements in my patients, if I didn't witness RJ's healing myself, I would have considered it impossible.... Read More
"The “Master” class can be simply described as “outstanding”. Each session was so interesting, captivating, and informative that the time of each session and the 7 weeks passed by in what felt like seconds! There are no words that can accurately describe the depth and scope of what RJ shared and taught me. I came out of the class fully equipped and ready to confront face to face the last bits of my own ignorance, ego, and identity in a path to my own Self Realization. If you are truly committed to your own development, this class is unlike anything being taught anywhere else and is an absolute must!"
- Maurice- San Diego, CA
"My experience with RJ is one that changed my life. Instantly….I will never be able to go back. He healed me. For the last 14 years of my short 24 year old life I have been terribly ill, I have been diagnosed with POTS, anxiety, depression, fibromyalsua, IBS, colitis, CFS, migraines and inappropriate sinus tachycardia... Read More
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. RJ is akin to the modern version of Merlin. Having traveled along the mystic road and having shared the experience of many teachers, it is truly a blessing knowing the teacher of teachers has appeared. His wisdom extends beyond all knowledge...Read More
"My initial contact with RJ was a healing for my rescue cat. That session enabled me to understand why she was doing what she was doing and gave her much relief. During my second consult about her it became totally apparent I was the one needing help as I was feeling so low & lost it was adding to my cat's issues... Read More
I have struggled with alcohol addiction, severe depression, and anxiety for over 20 years. After countless attempts to “get sober” I found myself in a situation of total despair and confusion. The traditional methods I returned to repeatedly never seemed to create any lasting freedom within me... Read More
“I first became aware of RJ’s healing work when my acupuncturist told me about his incredible recovery from a supposed permanent condition of paralysis. I have struggled with a crystal meth addiction, as well as severe depression and anxiety throughout my adult life, so this was very intriguing to me.... Read More
"I was referred to RJ by a close family member who had found healing (via RJ) for a long standing disorder. I had just recovered from two spontaneous subdural hematoma surgeries within two weeks of each other. I wanted to know what had caused them, since I still held fear that it might happen again. ... Read More
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears”….From the moment of meeting RJ, it was known that he was the one. As spoken from my own direct experience, this was a unique journey tailored to my own soul’s experience and expansion waking me up to the only real truth and understanding how to achieve total peace and joy. Never before has it been understood or experienced such peace in the heart and it continues on as the surrendering continues. There is no need for any other teachers, RJ is here to shine the light onto your soul and light the way to freedom. This soul is so grateful for the teachings and the unconditional love that was received during this transformational process that continues to unfold. Thank you RJ for all your love and guidance! My wish is for every soul to experience these teachings with RJ to find the love and inner peace to light their way to freedom. Love and Blessings!"
- Serefina - Boulder, CO
"The Maestro Class RJ shares has made a tremendous difference in my life .His seemingly endless wisdom guided me through my own fears, my created identity, my beliefs, and my expectations, allowing me to really 'see' my true self and how I experience and create my world. RJ’s helped me to dramatically reduce what was an ever-present judgement I held over myself, others and the state of the world, which was such a toxic way to live... Read More
"This entity who is named Gene has spent the last few years studying under a few different teachers...most all taught how to go outside of yourself...experiencing the 5 senses...and yet there was something missing. This was up until the meeting of RJ! His energy connecting directly with this entities heart told me this was the teacher and there wasn't anything else needed from any others. Signing up for his Master Class was a given and from there, couldn't wait to start. It was quickly learned how to work from within and all knowing comes from within oneself...all questions this entity has ever had have been answered and life in this vehicle has forever been changed! Without going deeper into the details of the Master Class, what can be offered, is to look into working with Master R yourself...this too could possibly be the last teacher you'd need in this lifetime"!"
- Gene- Kauai, HI
“My experience with the intro to meditation was amazing, I had never been guided so seamlessly to the true nature of my consciousness. RJ explains things in a way that makes complex items easy to grasp, yet lose no integrity. During the meditation I lost sense of my physical body and felt a shift in my energy and ability to focus without effort. Would highly recommend any one who is interested in understanding themselves as well as understanding the universe better. Come and experience this amazing class! So much fun!”
- Sam- San Diego, CA
“In January I was diagnosed with tongue cancer and the prognosis from my Dr. was the furthest thing from encouraging. My partner at the time, who has her Doctorate in Acupuncture and has been practicing for years, advised me to meet with RJ. Upon arriving, RJ, with uncanny accuracy was able to tell me exactly what the cancer looked like and where it had originated from without knowing my medical history or seeing any scans... Read More
"Working with RJ has been an experience that is hard to put into words. I came to RJ for stress and anxiety management with very little expectations. I have to say within a few sessions I was blown away how he had me thinking in a completely different way. Not only have I been able to better manage the issues I was having, it has opened my mind to a completely different way of thinking and approaching life. If you have an open mind and let RJ do his thing, you will discover a more balanced, focused and happier way to live."
- Alex, San Francisco, CA
"For the past 10 years I went from Doctor to Doctor trying to figure out various symptoms of muscle pain, fatigue, joint pain, migraines, insomnia, auto immune disorders etc. I was told to try anxiety medications and depression meds. I was not taken seriously. After years of frustration I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and co-infections. .. Read More
"I know I am a divine being, where I come from realms of unimaginable power and light. With RJ’s Advanced Meditation Multiverse Course (two parts), we as a small group returned to those divine realms. With our courage and commitment to explore consciousness, removing impossible obstacles, spirit lifted me up to re-engineer my emotional and spiritual values. This did not require talking or listening to others’ belief systems... Read More
"I have had numerous back surgeries, including a spinal fusion, and suffer from extreme pain and anxiety. Over the last decade I have developed a dependency on prescription narcotics to handle the immense pain and trauma I have endured... Read More
“My first experience working with RJ was through his introductory meditation class. I have practiced various forms of meditation over the past 17 years including zazen, vipassana and Shambhala Buddhist meditation practices. The experience I had in twenty minutes of meditating with RJ was more profound than my experiences with these other practices, during week-long and month-long meditation retreats... Read More
“My journey to self-awareness has just recently began. I am extremely grateful to be working one on one with Master R during this time. Prior to working with RJ, I had always been drawn to crystals and what they were about. I've had a strong desire to learn about how they can heal and protect us... Read More
“As someone that has been on a conscious deep spiritual path since I was a child, I could see right away RJ was vibrating at very high levels and it was clear to me he had exceptional healing gifts. Uniquely RJ works multi-dimentially, channeling higher energies to create needed healing... Read More
“R.J is an incredible soul with a deep passion for helping others achieve their highest self. He has not only helped me learn the practice of meditation, but also tap into parts of myself that need healing, nurturing, and reflection. For those looking to begin meditation, strengthen their practice, or heal their physical and emotional self, I highly encourage you to look to R.J for help. His services are powerful and one of a kind!”
- Krista- San Diego, CA
"The multiverse exploration course set (multiverse safari) is an incredibly unique experience. In many ways, words cannot do it proper justice. This course brought me to a level of awareness I hadn’t thought capable. It demonstrated to me, how unique and small the experience we are having is, thus putting everything in perspective. I found myself absent of fear, doubt, and worry, and full of genuineness, calmness, and peace, whilst equally invigorated. This course taught me a unique way to meditate and reach a higher level of consciousness on my own or even in a crowded room. From my experience it has had a profound impact. I highly recommend this meditation to anyone who has had experience meditating previously and wishes to explore outside of themselves deeper. The journey awaits."
- Sam- San Diego, CA Multiverse Course 1 & 2 completed
“RJ is the most fascinating person. His own healing journey is as inspiring as they come and the clearest example of what humans are capable of if we would only believe it. RJ is gifted at verbalizing and helping you to understand these principles for yourself. I auspiciously had my first appointment with RJ the day I was let go from a 26 year old job... Read More
“I am a 48-year- old women who has recovered from challenging situations such as addiction and childhood trauma. I have been suffering with “chronic” mental and physical conditions for many years. I have tried numerous things to fix these issues from medication to therapy; however, I still felt a block to the inner peace I was searching for.... Read More
“The personal Healing Course that I took with RJ was just outstanding! During the course of a few weeks, he taught me how to invoke energy, how to feel it and move it through myself, and how to transfer it to the person you are working with (patient/client). In addition, he taught me about the agreement between healer and the person you are working with, about the role of the healer in the healing process, about face-to-face and remote healings, about how to control the amount of energy, and much more. He emphasized that a good healer is a healer that can heal him/her-self... Read More
"It is said "when the student is ready, the teacher will come." RJ allowed me to finally put all the puzzle pieces of my life together, finishing a 73 year old task. For me, the pieces were found working with a psychiatrist, several mediums, a psychologist, a chiropractor and close friends. Only RJ's work with me resulted in my realizing how far I had come in this lifetime. .. Read More
“The Consciousness and Multiverse Exploration Course opened a new level of meditation and consciousness understanding for me. It unlocked the way to travel through the different universes (frequencies and dimensions) on the path to the Absolute (God). By opening my heart, opening my mind, and letting go, I had a once in a life time changing experience. This was really my first big leap in my path toward self-realization. If you are serious about meditation, this course is a must for the advancement of anyone’s practice.”
- Maurice- San Diego, CA
"During mediation with RJ, he often tells the group to reach out and take his hand if they need it- it will be there. I didn’t actually believe him- until I needed his hand. Now I reach out for RJ all the time and he’s always there for me. When I spend time with RJ, I find that I am able to experience myself in ways that I’ve never even considered possible. There’s an untying of self imposed constraints, a witnessing of the truth, a real knowing of self. My experiences stay with me even when I’m not sitting with RJ and I watch as relationships ease and opportunities abound. Thoughts no longer have the power to fuel anxiety as I become aware of the path to my own freedom”
- Jaime - San Diego, CA
“The Advanced Meditation Courses were like “The Magic School Bus” goes on a cosmic exploration. The classes gave me an opportunity to explore the far reaches of the multiverse and the innermost depths of my own psyche. I was given a chance to experience profound healing, empowerment and gratitude for my life... Read More
“My experience with Rj has been nothing short of amazing and beneficial to me. I have attended his intro to meditation course, both of the “Consciousness & multiverse” classes and have had 2 healing sessions with him. If you are in pain and need some relief for either yourself or your pet this should be on the top of your list... Read More
“I met RJ as I wanted to explore advanced meditation. Additionally, I was going through mysterious health issues for which I am being seen by numerous doctors at Stanford Medical. Discussing theories for healthy thinking and living have changed my outlook and allowed me to take control of my health and mental state like never before. .. Read More